Monday, April 19, 2010

recognizing timing

Just for the few of you out there that keep hoping to see something regular here -- I have signed on to make a confession. Here goes:

I'm not ready to be a blogger.

I've finally figured out that it doesn't make me a bad person if I don't blog, so I'm going to get rid of this particular item from my "TTD" list (Things To Do) and focus on the items more within my reach.

I hope you're not too disappointed, though I'm pretty bummed. I keep on trying to be superwoman and then falling face-first in the dust. But I'm shaking free! I shall NOT blog until such time as I can do it in freedom. :) And that time will probably be at a point when I don't have to juggle bundling up two toddlers to leave the house in order to get Internet access. Or for that matter fighting off two toddlers every time I try to open the laptop.

I'm signing off now, until my season of blogging arrives.


Krystal Weaver

P.S. We're at 54% of our support and planning to start language school in Costa Rica in August of this year, si Dios quiere!