Just for the few of you out there that keep hoping to see something regular here -- I have signed on to make a confession. Here goes:
I'm not ready to be a blogger.
I've finally figured out that it doesn't make me a bad person if I don't blog, so I'm going to get rid of this particular item from my "TTD" list (Things To Do) and focus on the items more within my reach.
I hope you're not too disappointed, though I'm pretty bummed. I keep on trying to be superwoman and then falling face-first in the dust. But I'm shaking free! I shall NOT blog until such time as I can do it in freedom. :) And that time will probably be at a point when I don't have to juggle bundling up two toddlers to leave the house in order to get Internet access. Or for that matter fighting off two toddlers every time I try to open the laptop.
I'm signing off now, until my season of blogging arrives.
Krystal Weaver
P.S. We're at 54% of our support and planning to start language school in Costa Rica in August of this year, si Dios quiere!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Chile Quake
Dear Friends -- Please pray with us for God to bring beauty out of the ashes of devastation in Chile as the individuals and the whole nation seek to rebuild their lives. Here is a link to a press release that EMM has put out regarding the situation there and what our team is doing in response to this crisis.


Monday, February 1, 2010
- Deane and Krystal Weaver Vision Night:Come hear us share our vision to spread the love of God in Southern Chile
- Saturday, February 20, 2010*drop in anytime between
- 6-8:30 PM; presentations at 6:15, 7:15 & 8:15
- Bowmansville Mennonite Church 129 Pleasant Valley Road, East Earl, PA 17519
Childcare available from 6-8. For more information contact Sherrie Good at (484) 269-9060.
*Alternate date in case of inclement weather is Saturday, March 6, 2010. Call # above or check this blog if in question.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
An email to a friend
Subject: So I stink at staying in touch...
...but I'm a lot better at loving people even when I haven't seen them for ages and ages. How are you?
I thought you might be interested that I'm moving to Chile -- hopefully by the end of 2010, with a preliminary stop in Costa Rica for Deane to attend language school.
Other than that, nothing much exciting is going on. We're your typical family with young children. I spend my days changing my 1-year old's diapers and trying to coax my 2-year old off of her emotional rollercoaster while hyping up the benefits of peeing and pooing on the potty instead of in her panties. She's a fascinating study in language acquisition, not to mention them both being a continual fountain of reasons to laugh. I enjoy them immensely. Will attach some photos, as long as I don't get an attack of mommy-brain and forget.
What sort of things fill your days, these days? How's your heart?
Forgive my briefness -- I only fool myself when I say I'll "soon" write a "real" letter to someone I've been meaning to contact. The moment my fingers hit the keyboard or my pen hits the paper, I'm unfailingly bombarded by miniature emergencies like a sudden craving for raisins or the need for mommy-snuggles RIGHT NOW! And oh, btw, Mom, we'd love to help you pen that letter. Why don't you just hand over the writing utensil? Wow! This makes a really good teething instrument! I can get it right back there in that empty space where my molars are going to be. Hey! That's my pen! What do you mean I can't run with it and spear my sister with it and write on the walls with it! Hey! HEY!! No fair!!!!
Right now they're with Grandma, so you get the unusual blessing of over 5 minutes of my emailing time all to yourself. :)
I've had fun writing to you. Hope you can carve out a few minutes from your own version of a crazy life and write back. I don't care if it's incoherent. I'm a pretty good interpreter of tongues these days. Just keep it somewhere in the realm of English, Spanish or German; complete sentences with articles, prepositions and helping verbs are not necessary for comprehension. ;)
Hugs and a prayer for your peace and whole-being well-being,
P.S. I want your mailing address!
P.P.S. Are you the one person on the face of the planet who doesn't have a Facebook account? (not that I check mine more than once a quarter, anyway, but I looked for you and didn't find you...)
A glimpse of where we are
I've just pasted in an email I sent to some friends at our sending agency. Thought it'd be a quick way to get going with this blog thing! Here it is:
Greetings! Deane and I just wanted to say hello and catch you up with where we're at.
Deane has had almost full-time work since the end of July with Lincoln Pavement Services, but hasn't worked the last few weeks because the job is seasonal and it finally got too cold and snowy to carry on. Has it's downside, but for now it is a blessing. God graciously helped us to save up an emergency fund so that we're not on the absolute brink of financial ruin, and just as his lay-off last spring enabled us to freely participate in the summer training events, this current season of "unemployment" has allowed us to take some strides forward in our preparations that we had been lagging in. Namely, getting newsletters out, setting up chances to share at churches, planning a dinner event to share our vision, etc. And throw in the odd home-rescue project (we discovered last week that our bedroom floor was sinking due to termite damage), I'd say neither one of us is what you could truly term "unemployed".
In regards to our progress, our support is right around 50%. We are eager and asking God to help us be excellent at our part and to truly trust him, and that He'll amaze us by His part. We are hoping to be able to start the language school term at the next possible date, which would be May, meaning we'd need to be able to leave mid- to late April. It's beginning to seem unlikely, but ...? The thing I have to watch is that when I'm frustrated because my goals are being delayed (by, say, tearing up a bedroom floor instead of printing out newsletters) that I don't let discouragement delay those goals even more. I tend to want to attack a project and finish it all in one sitting (or standing, or whatever), but that rarely works in this particular season of parenting toddlers. The challenge is to get creative and be purposeful, instead of getting frustrated and giving up.
Pray for us that Deane and I would learn to set goals and follow through on our part effectively and with perseverence in the face of challenges, whatever they be.
Thanks for checking in with us, and may the Lord establish the work of your hands. We know you do it with your hearts.
with affection,
Krystal and Deane
Greetings! Deane and I just wanted to say hello and catch you up with where we're at.
Deane has had almost full-time work since the end of July with Lincoln Pavement Services, but hasn't worked the last few weeks because the job is seasonal and it finally got too cold and snowy to carry on. Has it's downside, but for now it is a blessing. God graciously helped us to save up an emergency fund so that we're not on the absolute brink of financial ruin, and just as his lay-off last spring enabled us to freely participate in the summer training events, this current season of "unemployment" has allowed us to take some strides forward in our preparations that we had been lagging in. Namely, getting newsletters out, setting up chances to share at churches, planning a dinner event to share our vision, etc. And throw in the odd home-rescue project (we discovered last week that our bedroom floor was sinking due to termite damage), I'd say neither one of us is what you could truly term "unemployed".
In regards to our progress, our support is right around 50%. We are eager and asking God to help us be excellent at our part and to truly trust him, and that He'll amaze us by His part. We are hoping to be able to start the language school term at the next possible date, which would be May, meaning we'd need to be able to leave mid- to late April. It's beginning to seem unlikely, but ...? The thing I have to watch is that when I'm frustrated because my goals are being delayed (by, say, tearing up a bedroom floor instead of printing out newsletters) that I don't let discouragement delay those goals even more. I tend to want to attack a project and finish it all in one sitting (or standing, or whatever), but that rarely works in this particular season of parenting toddlers. The challenge is to get creative and be purposeful, instead of getting frustrated and giving up.
Pray for us that Deane and I would learn to set goals and follow through on our part effectively and with perseverence in the face of challenges, whatever they be.
Thanks for checking in with us, and may the Lord establish the work of your hands. We know you do it with your hearts.
with affection,
Krystal and Deane
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